
Become a Referee

All Referees are trained through Massachusetts State Referee Committee, and are certified through USSoccer Federation (USSF). MHYSA uses only Certified Referees. To become a Referee, go to to learn more, and to sign up for Grassroots Referee course. You may also contact our Referee assignor, Ed Wolf, at [email protected] for more information.

Attention Newly Certified Referees:

If you are a newly certified USSF Referee, please contact Mr. Wolf as soon as you complete your class. This will get you on the available referee lists and provide you the latest information concerning referee news for Milford-Hopedale Youth Soccer. 

Any questions, please contact Ed Wolf [email protected], as soon as possible.

Pay Procedures


Intown & AR’s Grade 5/6 are paid by Milford-Hopedale Youth Soccer Association (MHYSA): You will receive your assignments via email from Mr. Wolf, MHYSA Referee Assignor. It is expected that you will complete all assignments. MHYSA uses paper Game Tickets. Pick up the game tickets at the Referee Mailbox (details in pre-season meeting). Have a coach sign your ticket, acknowledging you were there for your assignment. After the game, complete the game ticket, separate the copies, and mail to MHYSA at the address on the game ticket. Checks are sent a few times during the season, and at the end of the season.


Travel/BAYS: BAYS pays for all Referees (Center) and AR’s for Grade 8 and older teams. You MUST have a BAYS account. Go to -> Referee section -> “Creating a Referee Account”.

When assigned a game paid by BAYS, you will receive an email from BAYS notifying you of your assignment. You MUST accept the game on-line to be paid.  To accept your assignment, log-on to BAYS -> “My BAYS” -> “Referee” -> Game Accept/Reject”.

After the game, complete the on-line game report by log-on to BAYS -> “My BAYS” -> “Referee” ->

Game Report Management”. After you complete and submit the game report, the BAYS Paymaster will be authorized to pay you. Checks are sent a few times each season, and at the end of the season.



  1.        What if the game is not played because the field is closed by MHYSA or the Towns of Milford or Hopedale?  Referees cannot close a field. You should check the website for field information. If you checked and the website showed the field as open, and you arrive at the field and it's closed, call and inform the Referee Assignor. You will complete the game ticket. If a BAYS game, do NOT enter a score. In the report, it will ask you if the game started, check no and complete the pull down.
  2.        What is a field is unplayable? A Referee can determine if a field is unplayable. This may be due to weather conditions, for example lightening, heat, cold, standing water, ice or slush on the field. Call the Referee Assignor and inform them.  Complete the game report. If a BAYS game, do NOT enter a score. In the report, it will ask you if the game started, check no and complete the pull down.
  3.        What if a game is stopped before it is completed? This may be due to a number of reasons, but the most frequent is lightening and thunder. Call the Referee Assignor and inform them. Complete the game ticket. If a BAYS game, it will ask you if the game was completed. Check no and complete the pull down. Enter a score and the game time the match was terminated.


Referee Pay Rates

Grade Groups   Bays Rates          MHYSA Rates

Ref Gr12              $70                         NA         

AR Gr12               $40                         NA         

Ref Gr10              $60                         NA

AR Gr10               $40                         NA


Ref Gr8                $50                         NA         

AR Gr8                 $30                         NA

Ref Gr 5 & 6        $40                         NA

AR Gr 5 & 6         NA                          $25 Paper Tickets            

Ref Gr 3 & 4        $30                         NA         


In-Town               --                             $25 Paper Tickets



Appropriate Referee Uniform Required

Correct uniform attire is required to be worn by all Referees for all In-Town and Travel games by the Referees and Assistant Referees (AR). Note that improperly attired ARs run the risk of being dismissed by the Referee. Proper uniform includes: short or long sleeved Flourescent yellow shirt, badge, black shorts and referee socks (black with 3 white stripes or Referee logo). 

Start Times

Games should START AT ASSIGNED TIMES. Please try to keep to assigned start times for games. Late starts effect the schedule for the rest of the day. Referees control the game clock, try be aware and keep the game to within the timeslot assigned.  PLEASE END THE GAME ON TIME.

Field Inspections

A reminder to all referees that part of our job is to inspect the field prior to the start of EACH AND EVERY game. This can be done while players are warming up. Please pay particular attention to the nets (No holes and secured) and make sure the goals are anchored down securely. If they are not securley anchored, inform the coaches that they need to take care of this before the game can start. This is an important safety issue for all players on the field.


Player Inspections

NO JEWELRY of any kind is to allowed on any field players and substitutes. No EARRINGS! Taping of pierced ear is not allowable, the danger is still present. Medic Alert bracelets can be taped over.


CASTS - NO PLAYER WEARING A HARD CAST WILL BE ALLOWED TO PLAY. Players with braces that have exposed metal parts will also not be allowed to play.

Soft padded splints and other braces may be allowed provided there is sufficient covering and padding to protect other players.


Final decision is up to the Referee.


Coaching or Watching Behind The Goals

This is not allowed by anyone, either team coaches or parents. No one should be standing behind the goals. Teams, coaches, parents and spectators should be on their respective sidelines. If you notice someone behind the goal, you should gently remind them that they do not belong there. If this does not resolve the situation, stop the game (but keep the clock running) and bring it to the attention of the appropriate coach for them to resolve. You have the ability to keep stopping the game until this is resolved. Keep the game clock running as the game should run in its assigned time slot. Coaches have been informed of this situation.


Report Problems

Remember, you are the Referee. You make the calls. Our leagues (MHYSA and BAYS) promote and support the Zero Tolerance Policy. This policy means you should not take any abuse.  If anyone if unfamiliar with this policy, please check out the Zero Tolerance Policy link at the top banner of

If something happens during the game, be it from a player, a coach or a parent, you should report this to your Referee Assignor and Tasha Griffin, MHYSA President.  Please be specific regarding the situation.