In-Town Rules

Zero Tolerance per BAYS

"All individuals responsible for a team and all spectators shall support the referee.  Failure to do so will undermine the referee's authority and has the potential of creating a hostile environment for the players, the referee and all the other participants and spectators."

1. No one, except the players, is to speak to the referee during or after the game.  Exceptions: Coaches may ask questions before the game, call for substitutions and point out emergencies during the game, or respond to the referee if addressed.

2. Absolutely no disputing calls, during or after the game, no remarks to the referee to watch certain players or attend to rough play.  NO YELLING at the referee, EVER, and no criticism, sarcasm, harassment, intimidation, or feedback of any kind during or after the game.


Intown Rules



Coaches are on the field with the players during the game.  In order to keep the game moving at this age, there are no restarts other then kick-offs to start the game and after a goal.  Otherwise if the ball goes out-of-bounds, coaches roll in a new ball.

-Games are 30 minutes long

-Size 3 Soccer ball used

-Games are 4v4 without a goalie

-Coaches must have their ID and red coach's polo


Grade 1

-Coaches are on the sidelines, and referees officiate the games.  

-No more than 3 coaches are allowed per team on the sideline


-Coaches must have their ID and red coach's polo

-Spectators must be on the opposite sideline as the teams.  You may not be behind the goal.  If asked to move by the referee, coach or board member, please do immediately.  if this does ot resolve the issue, play will be stopped but the clock will continue to run and players will lose valuable game time.

-Size 3 Soccer ball used

-Games are 4v4 without a goalie

-Games are divided into 4, 10-minute quarters

-Player substitutions can occur on any stoppage of play, but are still up to the referee's discretion and permission

Goal kicks

-On a goal kick, the opposing teams must retreat to their side of the halfway line until the ball is played

-The team taking the kick may not kick it in the air over the halfway line.  If they do, the opposing team will receive an indirect free kick where the ball crossed the halfway line.


Grade 2

-Coaches are on the sidelines, and referees officiate the games.  

-No more than 3 coaches are allowed per team on the sideline


-Coaches must have their ID and red coach's polo

-Spectators must be on the opposite sideline as the teams.  You may not be behind the goal.  If asked to move by the referee, coach or board member, please do immediately.  if this does ot resolve the issue, play will be stopped but the clock will continue to run and players will lose valuable game time.

-Size 4 Soccer ball used

-Games are 6v6 with a goalie (5 field players)

-Games are divided into 4, 10-minute quarters

-Player substitutions can occur on any stoppage of play, but are still up to the referee's discretion and permission

-There will be corner kicks and throw-ins

Goal kicks

-On a goal kick, the opposing teams must retreat to their side of the halfway line until the ball is played

-The team taking the kick may not kick it in the air over the halfway line.  If they do, the opposing team will receive an indirect free kick where the ball crossed the halfway line.

Grade K & 1 & 2 rules


Topic                                            K                                Grade 1               Grade 2                             

Roster Size                                 6-8                              6-8                       8-12                                                                                             

Field size (yds)                         30 x 20                         30 x 20                 50 x 30                                            

Goal size (ft)                              3.5 x 4.25 (H)             4x6                        6x12                                             

Format                                        4v4                             4v4                       6v6                                                        

Practice                                       SatAM                       1/wk                       1/wk                                                                  

Time                                            1 x 30                         4 x 10                    4 x 10                                                                           

Ball size                                       3                                 3                             4                                                             

Goal Keeper                              No                               No                            Yes                                                                  

Offside                                        No                              No                            No                                                                      

Goal Kick                                    A                                 B                                  B                                                               

Corner kicks                              A                                 No dribble/kick-in          Yes                                             

Throw-ins                                   A                                No – Indirect kick-in      Yes                                                   

Free-kicks                                  None                          Indirect Only                 Direct and Indirect                                                      

Defender minimum                3 yards…                       3 yards…                      10 yards…             

PK                                                 No                             No                               Yes                                                               

Substitution                               On fly                        Any stoppage               BAYS rules                                                  

Coach on field assisting         Yes                              No                                 No                                                                           

Scores kept                               No                              No                               No                                                              



BOLD = New

H = Street Hockey goal.

A = Coach carries extra game balls & rolls it in to restart.

B = Kick from goal line where it went out; defense yield to half-line.